Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Walks on the Leekbrook Line

Last Thursday (5th June), Emily-Jane and I decided to take a walk in the lovely June sunshine, it was a fairly warm day yet cloudy at first, we dressed accordingly.

We (as a family) had not been down the Leekbrook trainline for some weeks and especially as far as the Leekbrook tunnel so we started to wander along, to find the line very overgrown with small saplings of different trees, we pushed our way through as we meandered from one old track line to another and back again, down the old junction passway.

overgrown leekbrook junction INFRARED
Here the black and white shows the overgrowth in the background.
Soon enough we found ourselves by the Leekbrook tunnel...
Leekbrook tunnel with shadows

Here, somebody has sadly defaced the inside bricks by painting on them with graffiti sprays, here is EJ looking like she is actually assisting in the painting she is NOT! but the capture looked effective enough for me to take it...
no ej you cannot add your own tag!
The one thing about this long tunnel we enjoy is its accoustics, for example, if you were to shout "boo" very loudly and then count how long the echo lasted it can go on for a good 13-15 seconds, or you may throw a large stone at the walls of the tunnel and it will make a different sound altogether, albeit a shorter echo. It naturally, due to my children playing about, takes ages to get from the start of the tunnel at Leekbrook entrance to the exit near Birchall and the Golf Club greens as either or both of them love messing about, shouting in the tunnel and then climbing on the metal fencing on the outside of the tunnel at the Birthcall entrance.